IWD 2024 banner

The theme for this year's International Women's Day is '#InspireInclusion', with the campaign described on the official IWD website to "inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion" so that "we forge a better world".

"When women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment" the website elaborates, "collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women."

To celebrate IWD 2024, we’ve done a short interview with three amazing women: electrician Kornelia Dziewicka (@shes_electricx), gas engineer Becca Weston (@bwest_gaschick), and apprentice sparky Elise Walter (@els_electrics).

Read what they had to say below…

Q: What challenges have you faced as a female in the trade?

How did you overcome them, and what kind of support did you find helpful?

Q: Are there any changes the industry or individual workplaces could make to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for women in the field?

Q: Based on your own experiences, what advice or encouragement would you offer to women considering a career in the trades?

Huge thanks to all three of our contributors, please find links to follow these amazing women below.

Let's make sure these conversations are not just limited to one day a year & do our best to make the trades more inclusive!

Kornelia Dziewicka

Becca Weston

Elise Walter