Until the end of October 2017, there are great discounts on three different models of Metrel multifunction tester on Test-Meter. We have collaborated with Metrel in order to give a discount of between 38% and 44% off the recommended retail price of Metrel MI3100S, MI3102BT and MI3152 Eurotest MFTs.

The Metrel MI3100S is a great MFT for performing everyday tasks such as insulation testing, RCD testing and continuity testing. There are multiple test voltages for insulation testing and it is even capable of earth resistance testing via earth spikes (not included) which makes it suitable for testing all three types of earthing system: TNCS, TN-S and TT. Functions are easily selected through a clearly-labelled dial and push-button navigation. It carries out tests in compliance with Part P regulations and BSEN 61557 and is available for just £489.00.

With wireless Bluetooth connectivity and internal memory for up to 500 results, the Metrel MI3102BT is a smart MFT with a multitude of useful functions above and beyond the usual tests expected from a similar instrument. In addition to earth resistance testing, multi-voltage insulation testing and automatic RCD testing, the MI3102BT can work with the Metrel Eurolink App to report, analyse, save, print and edit test results. This smart, versatile MFT is currently priced at £670.00.

Finally, the Metrel MI3152 is an extremely advanced tester which can test regular electrical installations but also features a first fault leakage current device (ISFL) and insulation monitoring device (IMD). These functions are particularly useful for testing medical installations. An ultra-low 7mA continuity test current is also available whilst test sequences and results can be saved to the internal memory. Multiple types of RCD can be tested (AC, A, F, B, B+) and it is also capable of earth resistance testing. Two kits are included in the promotion: the entry set (£809.00) and the standard set (£915.00) which features additional earth spikes, a plug commander, and software for downloading and printing results.

The four different MFT options included in the promotion offer a suitable testing solution for any electrical professional. All four have useful features such as non-trip RCD testing and earth resistance testing, which makes them appropriate for loop impedance testing in any context, whilst the higher-spec options boast advanced connectivity and more specialist testing capabilities. Make sure you buy in good time in order to take advantage of this great offer before the end of October!