
Founded in California in 2005, Solmetric is a major player in the solar installation industry, known for developing high-precision and reliable measurement tools. Solmetric’s award-winning ‘SunEye’ is the benchmark for shade analysis in the industry, with their products expertly designed to aid the user with any solar-based tasks, from the analysis of solar cell measurements, to the measurement of available solar energy.

With almost 20 years of product manufacturing experience, Solmetric are a trusted name in the field, and were listed as one of 63 B Corporations in the list of ‘Best for The World’ Environmental Impact Honorees. Utilised by professionals across the globe, the Solmetric brand is synonymous with great quality products for solar installation.

If you are searching for an innovative, accurate, and easy-to-use solar test or measurement tool, then Solmetric is a reliable solution. Browse a range of products, and find one that works for you.

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